Our Doctors

Dr. Aziz Kerim TURKOGLU
Dr. Aziz Kerim TURKOGLU was born in Erzincan. He attended elementary, secondary (Saint Joseph College) and high school in Izmir. Afterwards, he got acceptance to the University of Ege, the Faculty of Dentistry, in 1986. He graduated from the Faculty with honors in 1991. He completed his military obligations in 1993 and he commenced to his Ph.D. education of Orthodontics in the University of Ege, the Department of Orthodontics. During his Ph.D. education, he also completed the trainig programs of the worldwide-known orthodontists such as Alexander, Burstone, Marcotte, Gianelly and Bennett. He received his Ph.D. degree of Orthodontics in 1997 and opened his clinic with his wife Dentist Burcak TURKOGLU in Alsancak, Izmir.The Alexander Foundation confered the title of 'Alexander Discipline Instructor' on Dr.Turkoglu, in U.S.A., on June 2005 where he has been invited by Dr.R.G. Alexander.
Dr.Kerim Turkoglu has been working also on implantology to respond the needs of his patients with edentulism since 2005. He is also interested in digital dentistry. Dr. A. Kerim Turkoglu applies dental implants with three dimentional (3D) digital tomography based computerized planning. Patients' smiles are designed by means of special digital smile design softwares.
Dr. A. Kerim TURKOGLU, continues to participate regularly in both national and international congress, seminars and trainig programs with the purpose to follow the latest developments in dentistry. He is the author of the book 'The Essentials of Orthodontics' (available in Turkish). He has been giving many lectures on the Orthodontics, Alexander Discipline, Digital Dental Photography and Digital Smile Design since 2010. He worked as part-time instructor in the Northern Cyprus Eastern Mediterranean University between 2021-2023. He speaks fluently French and English.He is married and has a daughter.

Dentist Burcak TURKOGLU
Dentist Burcak TURKOGLU was born in Izmir. She attended elementary, secondary and high school in Manisa. Afterwards, she got acceptance to the University of Ege, the Faculty of Dentistry, in 1991.
She has been working in her own clinic in Alsancak-Izmir, since 1998. To follow the latest technologies in dentistry, Dr.Burcak Turkoglu completed many professional courses on Porcelain Laminate Veneers, Dental Diode Lasers, Orthodontic Implants,Digital Smile Design and Dental Photography etc..She continues to participate regularly in both national and international congress, seminars and training programs to update her knowledge and skills. She is experienced especially on Restorative Dentistry, Digital Smile Design, Esthetic Dentistry and Orthodontics.
She speaks fluently English. She is married and has a daughter.